Monday, March 23, 2009

Enchanted Door tasting

I forgot to write down the actual date of this, but it was about a month after bottling, so early March. Clear bottle straight from the cellar.

Apearance - 1.5 finger head; nice lacing; amber gold highlights; clear brew until a bit of yeast murk towards end of pour

Aroma - Banana, slight cinnamon, peppery

Taste/Mouthfeel - Good carbonation; nice mouthfeel; syrupy; dry - hop bitterness gets jolted by crazy spicyness (works nice with hops, not overboard) - slight alcohol zing - aftertaste is pretty smooth - peppery, hoppy, works well - woody/oak notes

Overall - This is my most experimental brew yet, my deep stab at the spiced beer. I think it has come out nicely. No one spice rules, and it all works well with the hops, and the malt. Overall a success in my book. Will only get better with age. Pretty potent at 8.4% alc/vol. Ended up entering this one into a local homebrew competition. More on that soon.

Trappe Door Ale (Batch 02)

Coming soon...

And then the continents of North and South Hallertauer formed...

Getting mystical (I need to work on the audio portion of my videos - esp. since my crappy stove fan doesnt even really work):

Brewed on Sun, Mar 22

A Study of Heads