Monday, March 23, 2009

Enchanted Door tasting

I forgot to write down the actual date of this, but it was about a month after bottling, so early March. Clear bottle straight from the cellar.

Apearance - 1.5 finger head; nice lacing; amber gold highlights; clear brew until a bit of yeast murk towards end of pour

Aroma - Banana, slight cinnamon, peppery

Taste/Mouthfeel - Good carbonation; nice mouthfeel; syrupy; dry - hop bitterness gets jolted by crazy spicyness (works nice with hops, not overboard) - slight alcohol zing - aftertaste is pretty smooth - peppery, hoppy, works well - woody/oak notes

Overall - This is my most experimental brew yet, my deep stab at the spiced beer. I think it has come out nicely. No one spice rules, and it all works well with the hops, and the malt. Overall a success in my book. Will only get better with age. Pretty potent at 8.4% alc/vol. Ended up entering this one into a local homebrew competition. More on that soon.

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