Monday, November 24, 2008

Hive Door tasting

22 days in bottle; Nov 19 @ cellar temp

Appearance - Finger or so head, fairly quick dissipation into bubbly film; amber brew with golden highlights; not much lacing, if any; a bit murky

Aroma - Banana, honey, pepper, almost note of cola, slight vanilla

Taste-Mouthfeel - Smooth malty, wheaty intro into fairly high carbonation, nice hop spread lays out on the pallet with definite pepper notes, honeysuckle; dry spicy finish (coriander?)

Drinkability etc - This is a fairly complex brew, lots of flavors; I need to do another serious tasting on this one. Each time I've had this one, I have noticed different things that jump out, though this is the first time I have sat down to actually take notes on what I am tasting. Strong honey/banana/pepper aroma pulls you in - I think the Trappist yeast worked well with this brew; Maybe a bit too intense flavor to session (also with a well hidden 7.5% alc/vol); but an interesting brew; look forward to seeing how it ages; I think this one would be good cask-style

Below is a photo of another pour where the head was much more active (may have had to do with the fact that this one came from the fridge, whereas the one I took notes on was straight from the cellar).

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