Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Power and The Glory pt. I

Good idea or bad? Mostly good! A brew with chiles? One day an idea hit me: to brew a Belgian Dubbel and then add chiles to the mash (and secondary). Not that this is something super novel, but it was a bit risky. The overlying "idea" for the name, and the beer, came from a Graham Green novel, about a drinking priest.

Here's the grain bed during recirculation of the partial mash...

Guajillo chiles (and one Ancho) for the mash, recipe sheet, along with some hop plugs...

Hops and chiles caught before the mash hit the fermenter...

The Power and The Glory

7 lbs. Pilsen Malt Extract
1 lb. Two Row
1 lb. Munich
.5 lb Vienna
.5 lb Crystal 90L
.5 lb Special B
.25 Chocolate Malt

1 oz Fuggles
1 oz Mt. Hood
.5 oz Saaz

1 lb. Turbinado Sugar
3 Guajillo chiles, 1 Ancho (for mash)
Bag of Guajillo chiles (about 6 or 7?) for secondary

1 Whirfloc tab
1 Servomyces capsule

White Labs Trappist Yeast (actually used yeast that was a 4th generation strain I have harvested from Enchanted Door, Trappe Door 2, etc.)

Partial mash rest at 160, 60 mins, recirculated wort through grain bed, sparged with 170 h2o; 60 min boil; 60 (1 oz Fuggles), 30 (.5 lb Turbinado), 15 (Whirfloc), 10 (1 oz Mt Hood, Servomyces, .5 lb Turbinado), 5 (.5 oz Saaz, Chiles)

Brewed on Thu, Apr 2
Racked on Mon, May 4 (added chiles to secondary)
Bottled on Tue, May 19

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